Frequently Asked Questions:

When do I need to submit the Application for Conditional registration to the Club?

Ideally the application should be sent to the Club when you are provided the reminder of registration becoming due.  If you leave it until the last moment, the Registrar shall attend to the application in due course but a late submission to the Registrar will leave the problem with the Registered or Unregistered owner of the vehicle in question.  There are times when the Registrar is not available, and like exeryone else is entitled to being "away from the desk" - in fact more entitled because it is a volunteer position.

Why do I need to complete and sign a BMW Club Statutorty Declaration?

The legal responsibility for the member is to  confirm it is compliant to the requirements set aside by Transport for NSW.  The Statutory Declaration ensures that the member is fully aware of the legal implications should there have been modifications to the vehicle which would otherwise deem the vehicle ineligible for HVS (but may well be eligible for CVS).  The registrar can only determine so much from the information requested  with the photos and members are therefore having to accept  responsibility for what they might declare.  As an example, how would the registrar determine if the vehicle has been fitted with wheel spacers or and after market ECU?.  A vehicle which is registered under the HVScheme is considered UNregistered if the vehicle has been modified outside of the paramteres set by TfNSW, which voids insurance and attracts a traffic fine.

Is a BMW Club Statutory Declaration required every time a vehicle’s conditional registration is renewed?

Yes is the answer.  Considering that the vehicle can have modifications in the space inside of a twelve month period, the Statutory Declaration reminds the registered owner of the legal obligations for the eligibility of the vehicle being registered.  The Statutory Declaration also serves to place the legal responsibility and obligations to the registered owner and away from the BMW NSW Drivers Club and the Registrar.

How long will it take to receive approval for Historic Registration after I submit my information?

The time it will take will be dependent on submission of ALL information required and in the required format.  If all of the information is provided and necessary payments made, the time to approve can be as quick as same day Express postage of the signed and stamped Historic Vehicle Declaration.  If the information is drip fed to the registrar and involves several emails to clarify/interpret the information already available to the member on the web site, then several days and best effort - you may be asked to consolidate the drip fed information information to just a couple of emails.  Priority is given to processing applications from members who have submitted the correct information and in the correct format.  Members are reminded that the Club has endeavored to provide processes and logistics for the Club to be able to confirm eligibility of the vehicle to the registration scheme, and as simple as Service NSW will permit and where members make the registrars work easy to deal with the application, the quicker it will be to approve.  Please allow at least seven days.

What documentation is required to be submitted in order to get the HVS application approved?

The documentation is set out on the relevant Conditional Registration pages to this website. The process involves receipt of the documentation and photographs and systematically ckecking to ensure the member and vehicle in question are both eligible from a financial member status and TfNSW requirement.  See this check list which the Registrar steps through to complete an application which is in addition to archiving the information: Drip feeding information to the Registrar consumes a lot of time and will inevitably delay attention to your application.

Is there an alternative to taking photographs of the vehicle which to be registered in the Historic Vehicle Scheme?

Yes is the answer; and it will involve the member to arrange to meet with one of the Club’s volunteer Scrutineers at a time and place convenient to the Scrutineer, who will take the photos and confirm the eligibility of the vehicle for HVS or CVS whichever is applicable.

Why do I need to provide photographs of the vehicle every year to obtain conditional registration renewal? 

Within the period of 12 months it is easy to undertake many modifications of a vehicle and given there are eligibility requirements for a Historic Vehicle to be substantially standard, the time stamped photographs serve as a soft form of “scrutineering” by which the Club’s Registrar can confirm the eligibility before endorsing your application.

If I intend to modify my 30+ year old completely standard vehicle as a conditionally registered vehicle what scheme should I register it under?

A standard 30 year old vehicle can be registered under the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS) or the Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS).  However if you do intend to undertake some modification, e.g., new non BMW seats, big brakes, coilover suspension and ITBs then you should absolutely register the vehicle in the CVScheme.  Same cost, except for the additional authorisation cost to CMC for their approval. 

I have performed some period modification to my E34 535i by installing an S38 engine and a manual gearbox – this is a period modification since BMW did release a vehicle with this engine and gearbox fitted (e.g., an E34M5)  Why is it not eligible for Historic Registration?  

Period modifications have NOT been accepted/approved by Transport for NSW as permitted modifications for HVS registered vehicles.  This is regardless of what you might be communicated on the TfNSW web site.  Information from TfNSW has ruled period modifications out for HVS however can be permitted with Classic Vehicle Scheme so long as there is a Vehicle Safety Certificate of Compliance approving the modifications.

I have changed the seats from a E90 series BMW to fit into my E30.  It uses the same seat runners Why is this seen as a modification?  

Transport for NSW are interested in safety of the vehicle to protect the occupants (sometimes from themselves).  This is seen as a modification to the vehicle and deems the vehicle as non-standard.  Replacement or a retrimming of the seats with those of the original model IS permitted and not considered a modification.

How much does it cost to get the vehicle engineered so I have a valid Vehicle Safety Certificate of Compliance?

The cost will depend on the volume of work required to undertake the engineering and therefore it is variable.  I would suggest circa $1500 to $3000 as an estimate.

Refer to this list of TfNSW approved certifiers 

Why is a handwritten version of the Pink Slip required?

Service NSW make this requirement for Conditional Registrations.  There are electronic version of "Pink" slips (which are actually white) which are lodged online by the Inspection Station, and this is for normal registrations only.

What is a PDF format file?

A PDF file is a Portable Document Format (file which essentially a format of file which has limited ability to modify but easily shared and printed.  In general, the size of the file (in megabits) is relatively small (or compressed)

How do I scan a document to produce a PDF file?

Many printers have a facility where you scan a document, and it produces a PDF file generally saved to a USB memory stick.  However when you do not have access to the printer there is a mobile device application for scanning a document and to produce a PDF file.  In the Google Play Store search for Adobe Scanner and look for this Icon.    It is easy to use and then ready to share via email for example.

What is a JPEG file?

JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group which is an international standard format.  This format of file for photographs is the most common format.  There is the ability to compress the file which reduces the size (less megabits) of the file to permit ease and speed of emailing.  However, this also reduces the resolution of the file such there is less detail in the image.

What happens if you are the beneficiary of a vehicle which is greater than 30 years since manufacture? 

The vehicle might be eligible for either Historic or Classic Vehicle registration.  Given you have inherited the vehicle, you will need to complete all of the documents required by Transport for NSW for the conditional registration, and additionally Service NSW will require you (personally) to provide a Death Certificate, a copy of the will (if possible) a Statutory Declaration (of the fact you have inherited the vehicle) and proof of identity.

All content on this site is copyright BMW Drivers' Club NSW Inc. unless otherwise stated.
BMW Drivers' Club NSW Inc. is a non-profit organisation. PO Box 323, Crows Nest NSW 1585

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