Historic Vehicle Scheme New Registration

Applying for New Historic Vehicle registration

You will need several documents to register a historic vehicle for the first time.  You should understand the eligibility criteria and the minimum mandatory conditions associated with historic registration of your vehicle.  The one CLUB document which is necessary for our records annually, is the BMW Club NSW Statutory Declaration.  This document places the legal responsibility on the registered owner for compliance to the Transport for NSW regulations.  The TfNSW Authorised Service Inspection station can assist you here.

The process for a NEW conditional Historic registration is as follows:  (It is recommended that you download this process flow chart (below) so you can understand the whole process) including oncxe the Club's Registrar has completed its endorsement.

The NEW Historic Vehicle Registration process:

Download the NEW Registration Process flowchart

Note:  It cannot be stressed sufficiently that there is confusion on whether “Period Correct” alterations are permitted for vehicles in the HVS or not. 

Recent correspondence (Nov 2022) to our Club's Registrar from TfNSW advises that "Period Correct" modifications are not accepted  (i.e., not Gazetted and therefore does not yet apply).   

Assuming NO modifications have been performed on the vehicle (i.e., it is Stock Standard), please follow these steps for 


The documentation you will require to register your newly acquired 30+ year old vehicle is:

  1. DOWNLOAD and complete the Check List Historic NEW Rego Check List 240311.xlsx (check off the detailed steps as you proceed):  
  2. Check your financial membership status.  You MUST be financial for the entire period of registration of the vehicle.  You can do this online and renew as necessary.
  3. DOWNLOAD the BMW Club Statutory Declaration BMWDCNSW HVS Stat Dec Final 2023.1.pdf , complete it and have it formally witnessed (by Justice of the Peace, Doctor, Pharmacist, Teacher, Police officer etc).
  4. Download and complete the Application for Conditional registration (RMS-form-45070939)  https://www.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-02/rms-form-45070939-conditional-reg.pdf
  5. Download the TfNSW Historic Vehicle Declaration Historic Vehicle Declaration form and complete the form ELECTRONICALLY. https://roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/documents/about/forms/45070967-historic-vehicle-declaration.pdf  Once the HVD is completed either SAVE the file as a PDF file OR “Print to PDF” (it will be a Print Option on your PC), you should be prompted to save the PDF file. This Electronically completed form is considered by Service NSW as an original which the Club’s Registrar can print off (as an ORIGINAL) for signature and stamping.  
  6. Obtain your vehicle’s Pink Slip from an authorised Inspection station (handwritten version only) – Scan the document to ensure the Inspection Report Number and the date is visible; into the PDF format.
  7. Obtain a Blue Slip from a TfNSW Authorised Inspection statioif the vehicle is from interstate.
  8. Have a PDF version of the previous owner’s Vehicle Registration Certificate
  9. Proof of Purchase of vehicle. (i.e., a Receipt) in PDF format
  10. Recent Photos of vehicle (BMW Club requirement) – these photos should be of reasonable resolution time stamped or taken so that they can be dated (e.g., Newspaper or a copy of Torque of the Town in foreground.) 
  11. Make the payment for Express Postage of $15 for the return of your Historic Vehicle Declaration. 
  • Direct deposit to:  BMW Drivers Club NSW;  BSB 062151; Account: 28015744
Please reference your payment to your family name and member number.


WHAT TO EMAIL to the Club's Registrar using email address:  historic@bmwclubnsw.asn.au

  1. Completed Check List (in Excel format)
  2. BMW Club Statutory Declaration (this is an annual requirement) in PDF format.  Check the document prior to attaching to ensure the data entered is retained in the document
  3. Completed Application for Conditional Registration form in PDF format
  4. Completed Historic Vehicle Declaration electronically and emailed in PDF format
  5. Proof of Purchase in PDF format (receipt)
  6. Scanned copy of the Pink or Blue Slip in PDF format
  7. Scanned copy of the current Vehicle Registration Certificate in PDF format
  8. Recent date stamped Photos of vehicle – in JPEG format as attachments.
  9. Remittance advice for payment of either membership renewal and/or payment for postage


1.      If you are having difficulty in generating a PDF format file for any of your documents, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) within the Conditional Rego page of the website where there is an easy way to do it using your mobile device. https://bmwclubnsw.asn.au/Frequently-Asked-Questions

2.      Only send documents in PDF format as attachments

3.      Only send Photos in JPEG format as attachments. If the files total more than say 20MB, please send using a couple of emails.

4.      Once the relevant documentation and photographs are reviewed the Registrar shall advise if the vehicle is eligible for HVS your Historic Vehicle Declaration shall be stamped and signed by the Registrar and Express posted to your address as per the Registration Certificate providing the payment for return postage is confirmed.

5.      You will be advised of the Express Post Tracking number via email.

6.      If you follow the instructions provided, the work for the Registrar can take as little as 15 minutes and you can have your signed document next day depending on Express Mail and the time of day the emails are received and read by your Registrar, otherwise you can be assured of delays in getting through the process.

All content on this site is copyright BMW Drivers' Club NSW Inc. unless otherwise stated.
BMW Drivers' Club NSW Inc. is a non-profit organisation. PO Box 323, Crows Nest NSW 1585

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