Amaroo is the ideal place to start the year of our club's Supersprints. It is a tight and twisty 1.8Km long circuit. If you not tried a motorsport circuit then please read the Motorsport rules, complete your Annex-C form and get involved. There is a new set of Supersprint rules and new Annex-C form for 2022. Read the Supp. Regs. for this speed event. To reduce queuing at the Sign-on Desk all competitors are to complete and email the Disclaimer, Compliance and Self-Scrutiny Check forms and email them to . Bring the forms with you to the track with your club membership and Motorsport Australia Licence.
For 2022 we are reintroducing formal Scrutineering between 7:30AM and 8:30AM. Line up with your car prepared, driver apparel ready to go with your Scrutiny Form. Your car must pass the Scrutiny Check and receive the pass sticker. At Amaroo we will have up to 5 Speed Groups with up to 12 cars in each group.
If you can't enter and drive your car in this event we would like you to be a Flag Marshal. We will need a group of Marshals. No need for experience as we will run Flag Marshal Briefing. Contact if you can help.
Supplementary Regulations - 222-2901-02 Approved.pdf
Self_Scrutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance.pdf
Self-Scrutiny Checklist.pdf
2022 BMW Drivers Club NSW Supersprint Regulations.pdf
Annex C.pdf
All content on this site is copyright BMW Drivers' Club NSW unless otherwise stated.