Cars & Coffee - Machines & Macchiatos Terrey Hills

  • 13 Apr 2025
  • 08:00
  • Northern Beaches Christian School, 1 Echunga Road Terrey Hills
  • 75


  • To receive discounted entry of $5, you must pre-register through the link on the event page. Otherwise it's $10 at the gate.


Join us for cars and coffee on Sydney's Northern Beaches at "Machines & Macchiatos" in Terrey Hills.

This monthly event attracts many different types of vehicles including; muscle cars, hot rods, euro, japanese, vintage and classic. These events are friendly, relaxed and fun, with great food and barista made coffee. 

Entry costs

SPECTATORS - It's a $2 entry fee per person at the gate.

VEHICLES ON DISPLAY - $5 if you pre-register here (under Featured Products, click on Machines and Macchiatos I Monthly. Alternatively, pay $10 at the gate on the day.

CHARITIES - Funds from these events go to Bear Cottage and Cure Brain Cancer charities.

PRIZES - Stay to the end of the event to have a chance to win raffle prizes donated by event sponsors.

Parking instructions

Simply drive in and park wherever you can, this is a casual cars and coffee!

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