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  • New activities in Motorsport

New activities in Motorsport

30 Mar 2024 12:00 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

New Fill-in online paperwork for Supersprints.  Club Member Winston Loke has produced three Motorsport Forms that are to be filled-in online. 

We have had online registration for years but it included forms that were pieces of paper. We have now progressed to online fill-in and submit forms. No more of that old download, print, fill in and bring those forms as pieces of paper with you to the sign-on desk at the track on the day.  Instead of that now, once you have registered and paid on the familiar registration, come back to these three forms. This process is simple. You click on the link, it opens the form, you fill it in and click on Submit.   

Risk, Disclaimer and Indemnity Form 

Self-Scrutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance 

BMW Drivers Club - Scrutineering Form

The new Process:  Your Disclaimer and Compliance go directly to the Sign-on desk with all your usual information that you supplied on your  Registration as entries on the Event Spreadsheet.  The Sign-on desk staff mark you present, issue your driver's wrist band and present you with your "Entered sticker".  That sticker has your Car Number, Starting Grid, Stating Place and a box to be signed by the scrutineer. 

Next is Scrutineering.  The Scrutineer has your submitted scrutiny form on a giant spreadsheet. Don't take your car to Scrutineering unless it is ready as described in the Supp. Regs. or you will be simply waved away to come back later.  If you and your car are ready then you, your car and your "Entered sticker" go to the scrutineer who checks your car, if your car passes, signs your sticker, then attaches your signed sticker to your car.  

If you are to be involved in Familiarisation Laps or Appreciation Laps for Flag Marshals, then there is the Motorsport Australia Passenger Ride Form for driver and passenger to fill in and submit to Sign-on Desk. 

We are looking at combining the normal Registration for a Motorsport Event with the Fill-in online forms built into the registration. All in one process rather than the four as it is now.  Expect to see this development later in the year. 


Qualified Motorsport Australia Officials.  We must have Motorsport Australia qualified officials. Please be involved. All the information on qualifications and training is on the Motorsport Australia website. https://motorsport.org.au/officials . Firstly, get your General Official qualification. It is an online short course.

Then look the  https://motorsport.org.au/officials/structure for information on officials and https://motorsport.org.au/membership/officials/training

We need these officials and there are training modules for Bronze Circuit Official (available online), Bronze Event Administration (available online), Bronze Event Command (available online)  Bronze Scrutineer and Steward.   

The best way to get a Motorsport Australia Speed licence is to go to https://portal.motorsport.org.au/octozy/login "Sign up now", create your account, sign-in, click "My licence Applications"  and purchase you licence on-line. 

Motorsport Program, Supersprint Rules and Annex-C for 2024s are all on the Website in https://bmwclubnsw.asn.au/Motorsport. The call is for all competitors to complete their 2024 Annex-C now.  We must have all the Supersprint cars in their correct 2024 Championship class.  No Annex-C for your car then no entry to any Supersprint. 

Motorsport Flag Marshal Group.  We call for club members to form a group of Flag Marshals to look after providing Flag Marshal services for our Supersprints at Sydney Motorsport Park. It is very involving with transceivers, flags and MyLap controllers assisting with the safety of our Supersprints. If you can help, please contact Motorsport@bmwclubnsw.asn.au

Registration for Volunteers & Officials.  For each Supersprint event we now have a separate entry for all the officials to register so we know who is going to be at the event to make it possible to run. All drivers who can, please register to assist with Sign-on Desk, Scrutineering, event management, and most importantly, Flag Marshals.  Event Management includes Clerk of the Course, Steward, Chief Scrutineer, Race Control, Starting Grid Official and Driver training instructors for Driver Experience events. As we have included in the Supersprint Rules Point 6.4, we must have volunteer officials. Please register whenever you can to make running event possible. 

All content on this site is copyright BMW Drivers' Club NSW Inc. unless otherwise stated.
BMW Drivers' Club NSW Inc. is a non-profit organisation. PO Box 323, Crows Nest NSW 1585

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