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  • Update of Motorsport Australia National Competition Rules

Update of Motorsport Australia National Competition Rules

07 Mar 2025 14:06 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

For all members involved in our Motorsport there are some changes to National Competition Rules.  

Schedule B of the National Competition Rules

q) display a blue triangle of sides 150mm indicating the location of the battery. A battery fitted in the cockpit must have an additional blue triangle not less than 60mm sides fitted on the cover of the battery or immediately adjacent to the battery if uncovered; 

(r) be fitted with a visible towing point (capable of accepting a 40mm OD cylindrical test object) fitted forward of the front axle and rearward of the rear axle and capable of towing the Automobile on a sealed surface with its wheels locked. Where a tow point is obscured, each tow point must be marked with the word “TOW” of a contrasting colour marking the location of each tow point. A road registered series production Automobile fitted with any unmodified original equipment tow point will be exempt from these requirements, save for the requirement to identify an obscured front and/or rear tow point; and 

(s) for each external door handle that is not easily distinguishable or visible from the surrounding bodywork, there must be fitted an arrow, a minimum of 50mm long, yellow or red in contrasting colour to the bodywork and the word ‘OPEN, LIFT, PUSH or PULL’, whichever is appropriate, marking the location and operation of each door

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