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  • 07 Mar 2024 07:39 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

    BMW Clubs and Community Management in Munich are arranging Club Events  for members usually at BMW Group Classic, in Munich.

    Have you discovered their BMW CLUB HUB? Expect content from BMW clubs worldwide as well as exciting insights into events by and for BMW clubs. Don't forget to check out announcements for future events on the Club Hub. Visit the following link:

    BMW Group
    BMW Club Community Management

    2024_Amici and Automobili_Wheels and Weisswuerscht_ENG.pdf

  • 11 Dec 2023 21:51 | Ian McLachlan (Administrator)

    Motorsport Program for 2024

    • Driver Experience
    • 27 Jan – Saturday Night DX.1       Driver Experience on the Skid Pan
    • 26 Apr – Friday Night DX.2            Driver Experience on Amaroo
    • 13 Jul – Saturday night DX.3         Driver Experience on the Skid Pan
    • MotorKhana
    • 17 Mar – Sunday Skid Pan MK.1      MotorKhana No.1
    • 11 May – Saturday Skid Pan MK.2   MotorKhana No.2
    • 28 Jul – Sunday Skid Pan MK.3       MotorKhana No.3
    • 15 Sep – Sunday Skid Pan MK.4     MotorKhana No.4
    • 9 Nov – Saturday Skid Pan MK.5     MotorKhana No.5
    • Supersprint
    • 3 Feb – Saturday Amaroo SS.1         Supersprint Rnd.1
    • 9 Mar – Saturday night Druitt SS.2    Supersprint Rnd.2
    • 5 May – Sunday Gardner Day SS.3    BMW/Porsche Supersprint Rnd.3 PCNSW Host
    • 29 Jun – Saturday Druitt SS.4         Supersprint Rnd.4
    • 9 Aug – Friday night Amaroo SS.5   SupersprintRnd.5
    • 8 Sep – Sunday Gardner SS.6        Supersprint Rnd.6 BMW Giant Car Show
    • 24 Nov – Sunday Amaroo SS.7      SupersprintRnd.7
  • 16 Oct 2023 14:15 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

    Our thanks to our Club Supporter ASV who hosted a fabulous Cars & Coffee at their Euro Car Parts Establishment on Woodville Road Villawood.  

    Take a look at ASV's Video of the day

    ASV has an amazing car dismantling business and giant warehouse of new and used car part.  They opened their doors and invited us in for coffee and a guided tour. 

    There was more than 100 car turn up.  Mostly BMWs from our club as well as visitors and a few others like Mercedes Benz, Ferrari, a Lamborghini and a couple of Drag stars.

    Take a look at the article in Torque of the Town Issue 4 2023 Pages 32 - 35
  • 30 Sep 2023 08:30 | Deleted user

    6 Dec – Annual General Meeting  our thanks to Parramatta BMW for hosting our AGM in their Prestige Showroom at Parramatta.  

    The BMW NSW Drivers Club is an Incorporated Club in the State of NSW and part of our obligation as detailed in the Club’s Constitution; we must conduct an Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The Club’s management and administration is conducted by volunteers some of whom are members of the Club’s Committee and others who kindly lend their hand when and where needed.

    December 6 is this year’s 2023 AGM,  generously hosted by Parramatta BMW at their Showroom, 40 -52 Church Street, Parramatta, commencing at 7:00pm.

    The AGM is the opportunity for members to put themselves forward if there is a desire to officially assist and help shape the direction and continued development of the Club.  The Committee consists of twelve members, five of whom are considered Executive members and the remaining seven members are part of the General Committee.  The AGM is also where important changes can be made to the Club in terms of its administration and procedures, such as matters dealing with the Club’s Constitution (

    Early in November every member was emailed an invitation which  include the AGM’s agenda to provide insight to the meeting’s procedures, a nomination form (should you wish to nominate for one of the committee positions), a Proxy voting form (if you may not be able to attend).  The proxy form is used to nominate a member who you know will be attending in person and you appoint to vote on your behalf.  

    Following the AGM there are committee roles available and important Club activities to be supported.  See page 6 of Torque of the Town Issue 4 2023 for available positions.  They are:

    Membership Secretary, Club Merchandise Coordinator, Advertising Manager and Cars & Coffee Event Coordinator - Sydney Region.  If you can assist in any of these areas, either as a Committee member or just as a club member, please contact our president Ian McLachlan 


  • 24 Sep 2023 12:46 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

    The Results of each round and the 2024 Points table are all published on the website in

    The Points Table after all 8  rounds or our 2023 Supersprint Championship and the past rounds of that championship are published on the website in

    Competitors are reminded of the requirement to submit their Annex-C form for their car only once each year or whenever the Car's modification status is changed.  With your Annex-C  form you receive points in the championship for each event you enter, towards winning one of those terrific trophies  in the Supersprint Championship.  The points for your best 6 rounds are calculated towards the 10 Championships Class and the Trophies will be awarded at the Annual Dinner in February.

  • 15 Sep 2023 08:20 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

    Hi all Club Members,

    We have a communications protocol when we need to contact BMW Group Australia (BMW GA) or BMW World. Each official BMW club has a club delegate who represents our club at BMW Clubs Australia (BMW CA) and from there onto BMW GA or BMW Clubs and / or Communication Management (BCCM) at BMW Classic in Germany.

    Your club delegate will pass any communications onto BMW via BMW Clubs Australia. If it is a question for BMW GA then your question is passed to the appropriate member of the BMW CA executive. BMW CA Executive will contact the correct person at BMW CA or BCCM. 

    If you are going to be visiting BMW World in Munich and would like to visit BMW Welt, Classic, Museum or Plant in Munich or Dinglofing then please let your Club Delegate know and he will pass you arrangements to BMW CA International Delegate who is in contact with BCCM and can arrange visits for you. Club members are welcomed and receive preferential treatment at BMW Welt. 

    We have received an invitation for us to visit BMW Motorrad Welt in Berlin for a special event later in September. 

    Dear Club Member,
    We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to the grand opening of the BMW Motorrad Welt in Berlin.
    Immerse yourself in a world brimming with passion for motorcycles and experience firsthand the history and an exclusive selection of both vintage and current BMW Motorrad models.
    Date & Time: September 30th (10:00 AM to 9:00 PM) & October 1st (10:00 AM to 7:00 PM)
    Location: BMW Motorrad Welt, Am Juliusturm 32, 13599 Berlin
    The opening celebration offers you a vibrant program of live music, culinary highlights, product experts, and plenty of entertainment.
    For additional information and updates, please visit
    Berlin is always worth a visit.
    Warm regards,
    Your BCCM Team

  • 12 Sep 2023 09:31 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

    Each car in our Supersprints must have an individual  car number on both sides for timing and track Marshal identification  to Motorsport Australia's schedule.  These digits must be able to be read as the car passes at up to 250kmph and are 230mm high in an appropriate font and a colour, black or white, to contrast the car's colour.  Drivers select the 2 or 3 digit car number that they would like and include it on  their event registration.  If the number selected is already allocated to another driver then we will email and suggest an alternative number. 

    We have now re-established our source of digits and have stocks of both black and white 230mm high digits. Our vinyl digits are $3.00 each.  We also have vinyl backing sheets in both Black and White at $10 each so that you can make up your car numbers in a panel that can be used over again.  Bring cash or your credit card to the sign-on desk if you wish to purchase these digits.  I have been using a sick on panel for years and it works well.

  • 01 Sep 2023 09:39 | Bob Williams (Administrator)

    As we build it, our website is continuing to develop with most of the club's information.

    Refer to your club journal "Torque of the Town" Issue 4 2023 pages 10 and 11 for the article "Unlocked and Loaded". Understand the consistent evolution and smart device app.   Use the QR codes. 

    Please load up the App on your mobile device.  Go to the App Store. The app is called "Wild Apricot for Members". If you search Wild Apricot it should come up with 2 apps. One for Members and one for admin.

    Members of the Club now have access to a “Member Portal” which is a “container” with member contact details for the Club’s relational database. 
    To have access to the Portal, go to and Click on LOG IN. 
    You will know that you do not have a password, however, enter your email address, and click on Forgot Password. 
    The system shall prompt you for your email address again and in a matter of seconds you will receive a link in your email to enter password of your choice.
    Once you have done this, you can log in and check your details and amend if necessary to ensure our database is correct and than you receive future editions of the quarterly Club Journal.

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